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双语:习大大放话 年轻人少熬夜

http://en.jybest.cn  金宝搏188入口     2015-01-19  


  习近平主席在与中央党校县委书记研修班学员座谈时,讲述了自己当县委书记时的故事:那时年轻想办好事,经常通宵达旦地干,最后感觉到不行,要摆 顺心态,“手里攥一千个线头,针眼一次只能穿过一条。”后来就想,到12点就睡大觉,第二天重新来过。自然,要少熬夜,就得管理好时间。年轻人不要老熬 夜,做到12点就去睡觉。

  BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping has advised young people to avoidstaying up late orbecoming too stressed at work when meeting the country'scounty-level officials.

  The advice has drawn heated response from Internet users on microblog Weiboafter theanecdote and video were posted on People's Daily's official accountWednesday.

  In the video, Xi recalled the huge pressures county officials must bear,speaking from experience asa county Party chief early in his career.

  "I was so eager to do my job well that I often burnt night oil, but alsofell ill quite often," he said.

  He came to realize that even if work piles up, one can only do one piece ofwork a time, "howeverenthusiastic you may be about the job," he said.

  Later in his career, Xi changed his schedule, making it a point to go tobed before midnighteveryday, starting over the next day.

  The post has elicited more than 8,000 "thumbs-up" by microbloggers andattracted manycomments.

  User Linxiaojianxia endorsed Xi's advice saying it is true that "We shouldleave whatever isunfinished by midnight to the next day."

  A microblogger "Mengxie" said in discontent with her own job, "No one wantsto stay up lateworking, but it happens if you choose the wrong job."

  "Xiaqi" made an appeal in her comment that "prohibiting working overtimepast 11:00 pm shouldbe written into law."

  Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)Central Committee, wasspeaking with participants of the first seminar forcounty-level Party chiefs at the Party School ofthe CPC Central CommitteeMonday.

  During the talk, Xi lauded the role of county level governments, however,he underscored theintegral role officials played in ensuring efficiency.(viaChinaDaily)

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚

  2. anecdote n. 趣闻,轶事

  3. recall v. 召回;使想起,回想

  4. eager adj. 渴望的;热切的,热情洋溢的;热心的;急切

  5. burnt night oil 亦有熬夜的意思

  6. pile up 堆放,堆积;积聚;成堆

  7. elicit vt. 引出,探出;诱出

  8. thumbs-up n. (表示赞成或满意)翘拇指

  9. endorse v. 支票的背书,签名;签署,批准

  10. underscore v. 划线于…下,强调


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