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http://en.jybest.cn    中国日报网-英语点津  2011-07-19    



  Rupert Murdoch faced calls Sunday for the break-up of his British media empire despite issuing a second public apology for the phone-hacking scandal that has gone to the heart of the establishment。

  The media baron's latest attempt to atone for the crisis spawned by the News of the World fell on deaf ears as opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband called for new ownership laws to dismantle his British media interests。

  Britain's top police officer meanwhile came under renewed pressure over his links to Murdoch's executives, adding to concerns about the Australian-born magnate's influence in the corridors of power。

  Miliband told The Observer that politicians should look at the situation, saying: "I think it's unhealthy because that amount of power in one person's hands has clearly led to abuses of power within his organisation."

  Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, of the Liberal Democrats, also said he wanted more "plurality" in the British media, although he suggested that any action should wait until the results of a judge-led inquiry into the scandal。

  "We do need to look again, in the round, at the plurality rules, to make sure there is proper plurality in the British press. A healthy press is a diverse one," he told the BBC。

  Clegg said Murdoch must "come absolutely clean" when he, his son and heir apparent James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks, former head of his British newspaper wing News International, face questions from lawmakers this week。

  In the past week, Murdoch has closed the News of the World tabloid, abandoned his offer for control of pay-TV giant BSkyB and let go two top executives, Brooks and Dow Jones chief Les Hinton, in a bid to control the crisis。

  But the scandal has grown and Murdoch has this weekend taken out full-page adverts in most of Britain's national newspapers apologising。

  After an ad saying "We are sorry" and signed by Murdoch appeared on Saturday, another version entitled "Putting right what's gone wrong" appeared in Sunday's newspapers on behalf of News International。

  It promised to fully cooperate with police investigating the hacking, provide compensation for those targeted and clean up its act in future, adding: "There are no excuses and there should be no place to hide."








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