YouTube将现场直播威廉王子大婚盛况 国际在线 2011-04-28 大中小
The wedding will be broadcast live on YouTube as part of an operation to make it the most accessible royal event in history. Live updates and unique material will also be released on the official royal wedding website, through the British Monarchy’s picture-sharing Flickr account, Twitter and Facebook. For the first time, broadcast footage of a royal wedding will be streamed in real time on The Royal Channel ( accompanied by a live multi-media blog put together by St James’s Palace。
距离威廉王子与凯特在英国威斯敏斯特大教堂的婚礼可谓是“指日可待”了,而被批准进去大教堂进行报道的媒体还未正式公布,在全球新闻从业者都 “虎视眈眈”紧盯着这块“大肥肉”的时候,婚礼方面又放出风声:威廉与凯特的婚礼将在You Tube网上进行网上直播,这将是英国皇室在历史上第一次借用网络直播婚礼进行与老百姓拉近距离的尝试。
Viewers will be able to click to get more information about points of interest along the processional route, for example, or see additional photographs of the happy couple. Members of the public will also have the chance to upload their videoed messages of congratulations on an official ‘wedding book’, also on YouTube, which will be shown to the couple。
A spokesman said the site would be subject to moderation, but joked that he hoped ‘the majority of messages would be sent in good faith’. ‘Online access to the wedding is a really important component of our service,’ said an aide. ‘
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