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美国枪击案频发 加州长滩医院员工枪杀同事

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-04-17  


Gunman commits suicide after killing one person near Los Angeles


  案发于16日正午时分,长滩医疗中心(Long Beach Memorial Medical Center)传出枪声,警方接报赶到现场,在医院内发现一名受害人,又在医院外急诊室附近发现另一受害人,疑犯当场丧生。一名目击者称,他听到5响枪声,跟着在医院外见到一名男子向自己开枪。

  A gunman shot dead one person at a hospital before killing himself in Long Beach, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) south of Los Angeles on Thursday, authorities said.

  The gunman, identified as a Long Beach Memorial Medical Center pharmacy worker, shot at least one person inside the hospital, police said.

  The shooting sent patients and employees scrambling for cover in offices and bathrooms, according to witnesses at the scene.

  Long Beach police only confirmed initially that two people had been shot shortly before noon in the lobby of the hospital.

  Witnesses told reporters at the scene that the gunman was an employee of the hospital pharmacy.

  "It was one of the co-workers in the pharmacy that did it himself. He worked for the pharmacy," Charity Perez, whose husband works at the hospital, told KCAL9, a local TV station.

  "He was a great wonderful guy. I mean, I've been crying, my kids and I have been crying because we all know him. He's a really nice guy. Always came to work. Always helped when you needed help with medicine so I don't know what caused it."

  Dave Chamberlain, a city employee who was working near the hospital, said he heard the gunfire.

  "We heard five shots and we took cover as well, and then over the horizon we could see a man with a gun pointed at himself," he told KCAL9.

  "And I did look away. Shots were fired, you could hear people groan and at that point police converged on the area. I was able to get a little closer, was curious, and there was a gentleman laid out, ... what looked like to me the shooter."

  Perez said the shooter may have been notified recently that he was going to be laid off in June.

  But police said the motive of the killing was still under investigation.

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