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危机当前奢华依旧 南非七星酒店开幕

http://en.jybest.cn  沪江英语网    2009-04-10    




  全球的经济不景气,似乎不影响南非的观光业。南非亿万富翁Sol Kerzner斥巨资建造的One&Only酒店于4月3日在开普敦揭幕,这使其成为全球第三家超豪华的七星级酒店。

  In a time of global economic downturn, the luxury tourism industry in South Africa is showing no signs of slowing down. Sol Kerzner's 7 Star hotel, the ONE AND ONLY opened its doors in Cape Town on April 3rd, 2009. The hotel cost over 1 billion rand to build, with rooms ranging from 500 to 5-thousand US dollars per night.

  The resort, one of 3 One & Only's in the world offers luxury spas, yacht docking and 24-hour service. The South African design, art and natural environment highlight some of the top attractions of the Hotel. Everything ranging from drapes to light fixtures are all created by South African designers and artists.

  Prodigal son Sol Kerzner left South Africa amid controversy at the end of the apartheid era to build up his international hotel and casino empire. But now he has returned home in style.

  Hoping to go buck the global gloom, Kerzner has opened his latest luxury One & Only Hotel in Cape Town's world famous harbor. It sits on the edge of the glistening waters of the Atlantic and is overlooked by the mighty Table Mountain.

  Cape Town, the jewel in South Africa's crown is flush with posh hotels. But Kerzner wants his hotel to be better than the best.

  Tastefully decorated and boasting enormous volumes, the resort has a conference room and large fitness suite. That's necessary to work off the calories consumed in the two restaurants operated by celebrity chefs Gordon Ramsay and Nobu Matsuhisa. The eating establishments are stocked with 6,000 different wines.

  Meanwhile, a collection of art from some of South Africa's most renowned artists grace the halls, restaurants and lobbies as well as the small gallery on the mezzanine.






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