最强冷空气入侵我国 气象台首发寒潮橙色警报
http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2008-12-05 大中小
Siberian cold front sweeps China, lasts for 3 to 5 days
China's coldest weather so far this winter, brought in by a Siberian cold front, was forecast to last three to five days throughout much of the country, said the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) on Thursday.
He Lifu, CMA's top weather forecaster, said almost all of the country, except for Tibet Autonomous Region, had been affected by the strongest cold front this winter. Some regions recorded temperatures of minus 20 degrees Celsius.
A snowstorm hit the northeastern provinces of Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang Wednesday and Thursday. Expressways were closed and there were several vehicular accidents.
He advised people of carbon monoxide poisoning while heating their homes and urged them to protect grain and livestock.
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