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章子怡大秀甜蜜 传明年将结婚

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-07-16  


Crouching tigress, hidden reasons


  Zhang Ziyi is without a doubt one of the hottest leading ladies in Asia. Sorry guys, she's about to be taken.

  The international acclaimed star is making headlines again - this time the reason isn't a new film, but the fact that the 29-year-old actress has just said "yes" to the marriage proposal of Vivi Nevo, her boyfriend of one year.

  The Golden Globe-nominated actress and her sweetheart are currently planning to tie the knot in 2009.

  Zhang won worldwide recognition for her memorable role in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then returned to the big screen in Memoirs of a Geisha, co-starring Gong Li and Michelle Yeoh.

  Nevo, 41, a New York-based Israeli venture capitalist, has been called an "international multi-millionaire of mystery" by the media in the United States.

  The low-key billionaire made a rare high-profile announcement of his engagement while attending the annual conference of Allen & Company in Sun Valley, Idaho, according to the Associated Press.

  Zhang, who is now largely based in Hollywood, accompanied Nevo to the event, though she didn't comment on the engagement.

  Rumors that the couple was engaged began to swirl this spring, when Zhang wore a diamond ring to a pre-Grammys party.

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