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http://en.jybest.cn      2007-01-30  


Luo Xuejuan announced retirement

  Chinese Olympic champion Luo Xuejuan attends a news conference in Hangzhuo, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province Jan. 29, 2006. Luo announced retirement due to heart problems on Monday.

  Luo won the women's 50 and 100 meters breaststroke events at both 2001 and 2003 world championships. She captured the 50m title at the Athens Olympics in 2004, which was China's first Olympic swimming gold in eight years.

  She has been plagued with heart problems since 2006 and stopped training last November. Medical experts in Beijing and Hangzhou suggested that she should not continue her professional career although the heart problem will not affect her normal life.

  Luo will study international relations in China's prestigious Beijing University. "I will work as hard as I did in swimming. Maybe I will get involved in the Beijing Olympic Games in a different capacity."

  Chinese Olympic champion Luo Xuejuan attends a news conference in Hangzhuo, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province Jan. 29, 2006. Luo announced retirement due to heart problems on Monday. (Xinhua)

  Luo Xuejuan poses at the Athens Olympics in 2004 after winning the 50m title. (Xinhua)

  Chinese Olympic champion Luo Xuejuan waves after the women's 50m breaststroke swimming event at the 4th East Asian Games in Macao, south China, Nov. 2, 2005. Luo won the gold medal of the event in 31.67 seconds Nov. 2. (Xinhua Photo)


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