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http://en.jybest.cn    佚名  2015-10-17  


Monster mash



With drool dripping down his chin and a body riddled with sutures, Frankenstein’s Creature is born before the audience. Science has brought this once-dead corpse back to life, and now he struggles, both childlike and terrible, to stand on his own two feet.


Frankenstein, reimagined as a play by the UK’s Royal National Theatre, bucks tradition by focusing on the monster, rather than the man who created him.


This 2011 production, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, was shown at the China Film Archives this week, as part of the 2015 UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange.


As directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire), the play lashes out against previous adaptations of Frankenstein that depict the Creature as a lumbering oaf. No, this Creature is truly a thinking man’s mirror.

本剧的导演是曾经执导过《猜火车》、《贫民窟的百万富翁》的丹尼?博伊尔(Danny Boyle)。以往的改编版通常将怪物描绘成迟钝的傻子,而这一版的《科学怪人》突破性地将怪物设定成一面思考者的镜子。

While Boyle’s version hews more closely to Mary Shelley’s original horror novel, it differs in one significant aspect. It is the monster – not his creator, Dr Frankenstein – who recounts this sorrowful tale.

博伊尔在忠实于玛丽?雪莱(Mary Shelley)原著的基础上,对一个重要的地方做了改动——用怪物的视角取代他的创造者弗兰肯斯坦博士的来讲述这个悲惨的故事。

In many ways, this is an unconventional underdog story. Frankenstein’s Creature is born with an innocent mind but a body so hideous that it brings out the worst in humanity. Can he resist the corrupting influences around him?


It’s a battle of nature versus nurture, with a scientific twist. The play delves into questions of whether man can “play god”, by creating life through science.

这是“先天论” 和 “后天论”在科学语境中的博弈。剧中探讨了一个问题:人类是否能利用科学创造生命来扮演操纵一切的上帝角色。

In a touch of inspired casting, Frankenstein brings Cumberbatch together with his own mirror, actor Jonny Lee Miller. Both have previously portrayed the literary genius Sherlock Holmes, in Sherlock and Elementary respectively.


For the version shown in cinemas, Miller played the Creature while Cumberbatch embodied Dr Frankenstein – though they were known for switching roles throughout the play’s London run.


Unfortunately, the Creature ends up being the most developed character in the entire play. Part of the problem is the simplistic nature of the script.


The play rips its motifs straight from the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who believed civilization was a corrosive influence. Nature is idolized, while characters like Dr Frankenstein who represent science and urbanity are depicted as uniformly cruel.

该剧借鉴了哲学家让?雅克?卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)的思想,他认为文明会腐蚀人性。自然被崇拜,而像弗兰肯斯坦这样代表科学和文雅的人被描绘得极端冷酷。

The script does approach many compelling themes – questions of class, slavery, prejudice and scientific ethics are all included – but the play never delves deeply into any of them.


With elements of steampunk, minimalism and interpretative dance, Boyle’s Frankenstein is ambitiously staged. If only its script had been more ambitious in its social commentary, this play might have brought Frankenstein’s monster alive for a new century.


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