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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方英语    2015-09-22  


  The 67th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards airs Sept. 20, but before you start stressing out because you still haven't seen some of the nominated shows, relax – we've got you covered!


  PEOPLE has put together a list of the must-see episodes you need to watch after Sunday's ceremony.


  Orange Is the New Black: "Fear, and Other Smells"

  《女子监狱》:“Fear, and Other Smells”

  There is so much to love about this show. Although the flashbacks feature Alex (Laura Prepon), numerous members of the ensemble cast get their chance to shine. Lori Petty is perfect as Alex's wide-eyed, paranoia-inducing tormentor Lolly. Danielle Brooks and Samira Wiley perform a heartbreaking confrontation between Taystee and Poussey when the latter's alcohol problem reaches a low point. Piper (Taylor Schilling) delivers a rousing, hilarious speech to convince her fellow inmates to donate their, um, "sweat" to her panty-pilfering business.


  Parks and Recreation: "Leslie and Ron"

  《公园和游憩》:“Leslie and Ron”

  While some of us are still devastated by the fact that Parks and Recended in February, being able to rewatch the show's many amazing episodes, like this one, does slightly help us cope. In one of the strongest episodes of the seventh and final (sob) season, we finally find out why TV's most unlikely friendship reached an impasse. Leslie (Amy Poehler) and Ron (Nick Offerman) are locked in their old office by their cohorts, forcing them to talk through their feud.


  American Horror Story: Freak Show: "Blood Bath"

  《美国恐怖故事:畸形秀》:“Blood Bath”

  AHS is never one to disappoint, so be assured that "Blood Bath" involves quite a bit of, well, blood. But the events leading up to the titular bathing scene are what really give this episode its punch. It delivers the backstory of gleefully sociopathic Dandy (Finn Wittrock), showing the scope of his journey from privileged brat to matricidal maniac. Meanwhile, AHS powerhouses (and acting nominees) Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates are pitted against each other as Elsa and Ethel. Their feud culminates in a violent death and an even more brutal cover-up.

  《美国恐怖故事》从来都不会让人失望,所以“血浴”肯定有很多~血~的。但是引出剧集的洗澡场景才是这部剧的重头戏。它介绍了欢乐多多的反社会分子丹迪(芬维特洛克饰)的基本信息,给观众展现了他从一个有着优越生活的小屁孩到一个弑母疯子这一转变的心路旅程。同时美国恐怖故事的卖座明星(艾美奖提名演员)杰西卡·兰格 和凯西·贝兹分别饰演的埃尔莎和埃塞尔也是相互竞争。她们之间的矛盾日益激化,演变成一方的横死,另一方则想方设法掩盖罪行的局面。

  Silicon Valley: "Homicide"


  Like the show in general, the sixth episode of Silicon Valley's sophomore season is anxiety-inducing, cringe-worthy and hilarious. It starts with Gavin Belson (Matt Ross) having an A-plus freakout over his company's very public humiliation, and keeps delivering from there. We get greater insight into Erlich (T.J. Miller) and his relationship with Richard (Thomas Middleditch) when a rival from his past makes an appearance. Dinesh (Kumail Nanjiani) and Gilfoyle (Martin Starr) have a gloriously terrible debate over whether to let a rude daredevil meet a gory end. And Jared (Zach Woods) lets his oblivious flag fly and tries to force female outliers Carla (Alice Wetterlund) and Monica (Amanda Crew) to be friends.

  总体来讲,《硅谷》第二季第六集富有喜感,好评如潮,同时看得也很让人捉急。一开始讲得是加文·贝尔森 (马特·罗斯饰)在公司公众“羞耻”度上得了个A+,故事就是从这里开始讲述的。我们还可以更清楚地看清埃利希(T.J.米勒饰)和理查德(托马斯·米德迪奇饰)的关系,特别是当埃利希以前的一个竞争对手出现的时候。而迪尼斯(库麦尔·南贾尼)和吉尔福伊尔(马丁·斯塔尔饰)而在决定要不要让坏人恶有恶报的事情上大吵一架。

  Empire: "Unto the Breach"

  《嘻哈帝国》:"Unto the Breach"

  It's hard to single out one episode of the explosive hit, but the relentlessly fast pace of "Unto the Breach" definitely makes it one of the season's most memorable entries. With Andre's (Trai Byers) illness earning significant screen time, Cookie (best actress nomineeTaraji P. Henson) up to her antics and the typical family scheming/fighting going on.

  真的很难从这部给人冲击力感觉的剧里挑出一集出来讲,但"Unto the Breach"一集中紧凑的剧情绝对能成为该季最让人记忆深刻的剧集之一。安德烈(德赖·拜耳饰)的病情是该集的主要内容,库奇(塔拉吉-P-汉森饰,最佳女演员提名)变得更加古怪,而这个大家庭里的明争暗斗也一直在继续。

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