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http://en.jybest.cn    每日英语  2010-03-04  


  1. False message: Bad behavior has no longterm consequences

  In My Best Friend’s Girl, Dane Cook and Kate Hudson split after he intentionally pukes at a wedding and propositions her mom. But they’re soon back together。

1. 错误讯息:不良行为不会造成长期后果


  In real life: Here’s when to build forgiveness: long before you screw up. Compliment her often. Show her you’re trust worthy. She’ll be quicker to forgive you if she has high self-esteem and trusts that you mean well。


  2. False message: Gratuitous public displays of affection are proof of a strong relationship。

  In Must Love Dogs, John Cusack and Diane Lane suddenly kiss in the middle of a chat with a supermarket employee. Passionately. It’s love!

 2. 错误讯息:无故当众示爱是关系密切的证明


  In real life: According to a poll we took of 500 women, over half said that if you were to shy away from them in public, they’d take it personally. Just hold her hand and give quick, public kisses. That’s all 98 percent of women said they want。

  现实生活中:根据我们对500 位女性所做的民意测验,超过半数的女性认为如果你在公共场合与她们保持距离,她们会介意。只要握着她的手,在公共场合快速吻她就可以了。98%的女性都希望男性这样做。

  3. False message: Arguing is destructive and almost always leads to a breakup

  In Knocked Up, Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl argue in a car. She kicks him out. They argue again a few minutes later, and then break up。

  3. 错误讯息:争吵对感情具有破坏性,往往会导致分手。


  In real life: Expressing negative emotions can heighten intimacy. But if you’re mad at her, hit the Xbox first. An Iowa State University study found that people who distract themselves before an argument end up less angry。


  4. False message: Early love is true, lasting love

  In The Holiday, Jude Law professes his love for Cameron Diaz 2 weeks after they meet. She almost leaves him, but abandons her future plans for herself in order to stay with him。

 4. 错误讯息:进展迅速的爱是真正、持久的爱


  In real life: 42 percent of the women we surveyed believe a couple can be in love after 2 weeks, but almost none of them want a guy to say, “I love you” that soon. They prefer you to say it at around 6 months – about when they said their sex drives return to normal。

  现实生活中:参与我们调查的42% 的女性相信两个人认识两周后就可以坠入爱河,但几乎没有女性希望男性那么快就说出“我爱你”。她们希望是在交往大约6 个月后—大约在她们的性欲回复正常的时候——你再说这句话。

  puke v. 呕吐。

  proposition v. 向( 女性)求欢。

  screw up: 弄糟,搞乱。

  gratuitous a. 不必要的,无根据的,免费的。

  take it personally: 介意,放到心里去。
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