《美国偶像》冠军出炉 23岁帅哥爆冷夺冠
http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语网 2009-05-26 大 中 小
2009年5月21日(美国当地时间5月20日),万众瞩目的《美国偶像》第八季冠军揭晓,来自阿肯色州的23岁大学生Kris Allen爆冷,力压此前夺冠呼声最高的Adam Lambert,成为2009年美国偶像冠军!
在《美国偶像》第八季冠军揭晓夜长达2个小时的现场表演,吸引了包括Black Eyed Peas,Cyndi Lauper,Carlos Santana,Rod Stewart,Keith Urban,David Cook等众多大牌明星的捧场。《美国偶像》主持人Ryan Seacrest在决赛夜结果宣布的当晚一共收到了近1亿的投票,在冠军名单公布之前,两位决赛选手和Queen健在的成员一同演唱了经典歌曲"We are the Champions" 。至此,《美国偶像》第八季已经划上了圆满的句号,Kris Allen获得了《美国偶像》冠军头衔以及唱片合约。
Folksy singer Kris Allen is the new "American Idol," turning judges' favorite Adam Lambert into an also-ran.
Host Ryan Seacrest said on Wednesday's finale that nearly 100 million votes were cast for the finalists. The 23-year-old Allen, a student from Conway, Ark., bested the 27-year-old Lambert, a theater actor from San Diego.
The two-hour finale included performances by the Black Eyed Peas, Cyndi Lauper, Carlos Santana and Rod Stewart. Lambert performed with Kiss and Allen dueted with Keith Urban.
Before the announcement, the two finalists dueted on "We are the Champions" with the surviving members of Queen. Allen gets a record contract along with his "American Idol" title.
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