SAT语法考试中的中英差别 智课网 2016-05-19 大 中 小
今天为大家准备了“SAT语法考试中的中英差别”, 供各位备考SAT的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!
Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees, but such work has not addressed either logging, which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning down individual trees but do not denude the forest.
1. which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning
2. which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn
3. which removes only selected trees, along with surface fires that burn
4. removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning
E removing only selected trees, as well as surface fires that burn
Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and nesting when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the sandpipers vanishing in the northeastern United States is a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.
1. the sandpipers vanishing in the northeasternUnited Statesis a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in
2. the bird itself is vanishing in the northeasternUnited Statesas a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in
3. that the birds themselves are vanishing in the northeasternUnited Statesis due to residential and industrial development and changes to
4. in the northeasternUnited States, sandpipers’ vanishing is due to residential and industrial development and to changes in
5. in the northeasternUnited States, the sandpipers’ vanishing, a result of residential and industrial development and changing
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