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Invitation Letter for the 1st International Design Education Forum

Dear Mr./Ms.:

  The 1st International Design Education Forum co-hosted by China Education Online and Northwestern Polytechnical University will be held on November 20-23,2020,in Taicang,Jiangsu Province,China.

  The main theme of this event is“Innovation,Integration,and Future”.Many top designers,leading experts,scholars,and educators will be invited to talk about the future based on the current situation,to communicate about the new philosophy,ideas,knowledge,technologies and methods on designing education,theoretical research and practice under the current tendency of multi-discipline,multi-field and cross-culture,and to discuss together synergetic development and education in art design major.This forum devotes to provide an open communication platform for design major education.

  Here,we are pleased to invite you to join the discussion to share your insights by playing video recorded in advance,and preferred topics include:Innovation and education in design major;International development strategies in design major;Innovation study on personal training mode in design major driven by the tendency of integration of production and education.We look forward to your wonderful speech.

  Kind Regards

  China Education Online

  October 24,2020


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SRC-1972427774 2015-07-30
SRC-1972427774 2015-07-30