The launch ceremony of the 21st Century National English Speaking Competition was held in Beijing Wednesday. The contest is co-sponsored by China Daily, Coca-Cola Greater China and New Oriental School, and organized by 21st Century Education Media. It is the 21th 21st Century Coca-Cola Cup and 14th 21st Century New Oriental Cup National English Speaking Competition.
Zhang Hongbin, deputy director of the International Liaison Office of the State Council Information Office, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. “Professionals with international vision are strongly needed during the process of One Belt and One Road construction being promoted by the country,” according to Zhang. Students could be trained and encouraged through this contest, which can play a part in improving their communication skills.
David Brooks, president for Coca-Cola Greater China and South Korea, shared his feelings of living and working in China for 40 years in his speech. He said great changes have taken place in China’s international communication since reform and opening up. Mastering a foreign language is like putting a credit card in your pocket, he said. You will benefit from both of them in your whole life. Coca Cola has been promoting the 21st Century National English Competition in the past four years and will continue to support the competition, Brooks added.
Wang Ximin, deputy editor-in-chief with China Daily, delivered a speech and announced an innovative adjustment plan. He said this competition has become a traditional one in domestic education circle. “We are always working to establish a platform for school-to-school, student-to-student, and student-to-society communication. We are striving to make greater contributions to English education and healthy growth of students,” said Wang.
Other guests who attended the ceremony included Tang Wensheng, vice-chairperson of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation; Liu Na, researcher of the liaison office of Working Committee for the Care of the Next Generation; Luo Ping, assistant vice-president of Beijing New Oriental Education Techonology; and Sun Jisheng, assistant to the dean of China Foreign Affairs University. A total of 200 attendees were at the launch ceremony.
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