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Your Royal Message

2011-02-24 来源:BBC中国网

bbcukchina is offering you the chance to send your congratulations to Wills and Kate.


It's the wedding of the year and everybody is invited!

Well, that's not quite true. We can't offer you an actual invitation to Prince William and Kate Middleton'sbig day– all 1,900 of those have already been allocated – but we are offering you a very special way to get involved.

From this week, bbcukchina.com is giving you the opportunityto send your best wishesto the couple. You can write in Chinese, but why not put yourgoodwill messagein the language the couple speak?

Kate Middleton and Prince William

What message do you want to send to the couple?

To get some ideas, let's look at how people reacted to the news of the engagement.


Michael Middleton
Kate's father

"Theymake a lovely couple, they're great fun to be with andwe've had a lot of laughs together.We wish them every happinessfor the future."

Prince Charles
William's father

"We're obviously thrilled. They've been practising for long enough."

David Cameron

Prime Minister

"I'm sure that the whole country will want to pass their very best wishes tothe happy coupleand wish them an incredibly long and happy life together."

Ed Miliband

Leader of the Opposition

"I'm delighted for Prince William and Kate Middleton. They are a lovely couple... and I wish them all the happiness in the world, I'm sure they'll be very happy together."

Private Danny Elvestad

A soldier in Afghanistan

"He's been with Kate for a long time. I'm justover the moon for him, thrilled."

Corporal James Campbell

A soldier in Afghanistan

"Congratulations and next time he comes out [to Afghanistan] hopefully he'll bring Kate Middleton with him and all the lads can say hello."

Glossary 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)

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