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Body idioms

2014-04-22 来源:BBC中国网


Today's Topic :Body idioms 和身体部位有关的英语成语

  • 1. I'm fed up to the back __________ with all these grammar exercises!

    Student looking fed up

  • 2. I thought he was my friend, but when I was in trouble he turned his __________ on me.

    Man looking miserable

  • 3. Sorry I can't help you, but I've got my __________ full at the moment.

    Person working at a computer

  • 4. She seems a bit aggressive, but her __________ is in the right place.

    Woman looking moody

  • 5. I don't think he was serious when he said that. I think he probably had his tongue in his __________.

    Couple - man looks cheeky, woman angry

  • 6. I'm completely confused. I can't make head nor __________ of these body idioms!

    Man looking confused
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