Around the House 房子内外
从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案.Your score:0/6Your score:1/6Your score:2/6Your score:3/6Your score:4/6Your score:5/6Your score:6/6 |
1 : The trouble with living in a _________ is that we can hear the noisy neighbours through the walls on both sides of us. |
The possible answers were:
detached house
semi-detached house
terraced house
You said:
detached house
semi-detached house
terraced house
错。A detached house 是独立式房子, 同邻居的房子是分离的。
答案正确。A terraced house (排房)has connecting houses on both sides.
错。A bungalow 式没有楼层的平房,通常是独立的。
错。A semi-detached house (半独立式房子) 一般只有一面同邻房相连。
2 : Which of the following would you probably find in the bedroom? |
The possible answers were:
A pillow
A sofa
An armchair
A cushion
You said:
A pillow
A sofa
An armchair
A cushion
想想看,一般情况下,你是更容易在卧室看到沙发sofa 还是枕头 pillow?
不是最好选择,因为 armchair (扶手椅) 和 pillow (枕头) 相比 ,后者更接近卧室用品。
答案正确。相比之下,a pillow (枕头)是同卧室关联最近的一个词。
错。A cushion (椅垫)不是贴切的卧室用品。
3 : My boyfriend's dad's a builder so we're planning to ________ the flat ourselves. |
The possible answers were:
do down
do up
do in
do away
You said:
do down
do up
do in
do away
没选对。不过不要自责,因为英语短语动词变化多端,很难望文生义,此句只能使用 do up (装修) 这个短语动词。
不对。不过不要自责,因为英语短语动词变化多端,很难望文生义,"to do down" 是“胜过”的意思。
不对。不过不要自责,因为英语短语动词变化多端,很难望文生义。To "do in" 不是正确的短语动词。
选择正确。To "do it up" 是翻新装修的意思,和 renovate and redecorate 属同义词。
4 : Where do people keep their clean clothes? |
The possible answers were:
In a cupboard
In a wardrobe
In a shed
In a laundry basket
You said:
In a cupboard
In a wardrobe
In a shed
In a laundry basket
不对。A cupboard 是厨房的碗柜,柜橱。
选择正确。A wardrobe (衣橱、衣橱)当然是人们存放干净衣服的地方了。
不对。A shed 是小木棚,英国人常把工具,杂物存放于此。
错了。A laundry basket 是专门存放脏衣的洗衣筐或洗衣桶。
5 : Which of the following is NOT found on the floor? |
The possible answers were:
A carpet
A rug
You said:
A carpet
A rug
错误,因为 rug 就是小地毯的意思。可以放在地板的任何一处。
不对。A carpet 是地毯。
Lino 是地板革的意思,所以选择错误。
6 : What do we call the money that you might borrow in order to buy a house? |
The possible answers were:
A loan
A credit card
A mortgage
A hire purchase
You said:
A loan
A credit card
A mortgage
A hire purchase
不对,a credit card 是信用卡的意思。
A loan 在英语中可泛指贷款。不过人们使用另一个词来专指房屋贷款,再想想看?
选择正确。A mortgage 在英语中就是(用房子)向银行抵押借款的意思,也就是中国人所说的房屋按揭贷款。
A hire purchase 意思是分期付款购买(房子之外的其他商品),连本加利,分期偿还。