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Around the House

2011-08-08 来源:BBC中国网

Around the House 房子内外
从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案.Your score:0/6Your score:1/6Your score:2/6Your score:3/6Your score:4/6Your score:5/6Your score:6/6
1 : The trouble with living in a _________ is that we can hear the noisy neighbours through the walls on both sides of us.
detached house
semi-detached house
terraced house
2 : Which of the following would you probably find in the bedroom?
A pillow
A sofa
An armchair
A cushion
A bed
3 : My boyfriend's dad's a builder so we're planning to ________ the flat ourselves.
do down
do up
do in
do away
4 : Where do people keep their clean clothes?
In a cupboard
In a wardrobe
In a shed
In a laundry basket
Clothes on hangers
5 : Which of the following is NOT found on the floor?
A carpet
A rug
Some carpets for sale
6 : What do we call the money that you might borrow in order to buy a house?
A loan
A credit card
A mortgage
A hire purchase
Houses for sale
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