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Ban for Arsenal Manager

2011-08-23 来源:BBC中国网

Arsenal's manager, Arsene Wenger, has been given atwo-match ban禁赛两场by the governing body of European football, Uefa.

Watching only - a change for Wenger?

It was after he was found guilty ofbreaching the terms违规指挥of a previous Champions Leaguesanction被禁止在教练席上指挥(只能观战).

The north London club has also been fined 10,000 euros forimproper conduct行为不当.

Wenger was handed the ban after he was found guilty ofcontacting the bench通过助理教练的手机联络)进行遥控指挥while servinga touchline ban禁止进入边线区域duringthe first leg第一站of Arsenal'stie平局against Udinese on Tuesday, 16 August.

The Uefa control and disciplinary body has suspended manager Arsene Wenger for not abiding by the decision of the control and disciplinary body.

A statement issue by Uefa

Arsenal say they willappeal上诉against the decision.

His ban willkick in生效immediately, with Wenger sitting inthe stands 看台on Wednesday during the second leg of the Gunners'group stage小组赛阶段play-off match against the Italian side.

A Uefa statement said: "The Uefa control and disciplinary body has suspended manager Arsene Wenger for not abiding by the decision of the control and disciplinary body."

I'm quite surprised that they need an inquiry because they gave us the rules and we observed strictly what they told us.

Arsene Wenger

The Gunners'枪手,阿森纳的绰号boss didn't think he'd done anything wrong because the club had told him he could pass messages to the team's assistant via a coach during the first leg. He was then told at half-time that this was not allowed.

Wenger said he felt frustrated because the club had asked Uefa before the match forclarification澄清of the rules, which he says and he hadstuck to遵从.

"That's why I'm quite surprised they need an inquiry because they gave us the rules and we observed strictly what they told us," Wenger said on Friday.

Uefa said regulations meant the manager "may follow the game from the stands only".

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