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Acidic oceans will affect sea life 酸化海洋将威胁海洋生物

2017-11-30 来源:BBC中国网



  CO2 emissions are warming the planet.They're also being soaked up by the oceans,and because CO2 is mildly acidic,that's turning sea water more acidic.Since the beginning of the industrial revolution,ocean acidity has increased by around a quarter.

  This huge study concludes that some organisms may benefit from this change,but others will be harmed,and all life in the sea will be affected by the resulting shifts in the food web.

  Baby cod appear highly sensitive to the changing ocean chemistry expected this century.The report projects that the number of cod growing to maturity will shrink to just a quarter of the current level.

  The German-based research programme also indicates that changes brought about by acidification will be made worse by climate change pollution and coastal development.


  soaked up(被)吸收






  food web食物网,食物链






  1.How does CO2 acidify the ocean?

  2.How much has ocean acidity increased since the beginning of the industrial revolution?

  3.True or false:This study believes that all organisms in the sea will benefit from the change in ocean acidity.

  4.True or false:The German-based research programme also indicates that changes brought about by acidification will be improved by climate change pollution and coastal development.


  1.How does CO2 acidify the ocean?

  CO2 emissions are soaked up by the oceans and because CO2 is mildly acidic,that's turning sea water more acidic.

  2.How much has ocean acidity increased since the beginning of the industrial revolution?

  Since the beginning of the industrial revolution,ocean acidity has increased by around a quarter.

  3.True or false:This study believes that all organisms in the sea will benefit from the change in ocean acidity.

  False.According to the article,this study concluded that some organisms may benefit from this change,but others will be harmed.

  4.True or false:The German-based research programme also indicates that changes brought about by acidification will be improved by climate change pollution and coastal development.

  False.According to the article,the German-based research programme also indicates that changes brought about by acidification will be made worse by climate change pollution and coastal development.

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