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UK's inflation rate hit its highest for more than five years 英国通货膨胀率达到五年来最高

2017-11-30 来源:BBC中国网



  The September inflation figure is used to calculate the annual increase in state pensions and 3%is thought likely to be the rate at which price rises will peak or very close to it.

  For people in work,however,faster price rises intensify the squeeze on living standards as average pay is increasing more slowly.The squeeze is even more pronounced in most of the public sector where there's a pay cap of 1%,and for people dependent on working-age benefits which are mainly frozen.

  The increasing inflation is largely due to the impact of food prices,computer games and the cost of transport.The Office for National Statistics does not say how much of the increase may be attributable to last year's fall in the value of the pound,but it does note that cheaper sterling tends to raise the cost of imported goods.







  living standards生活水平


  pay cap工资(上涨)限制






  1.What is the September inflation figure used for?

  2.True or false:For people in work,faster price rises weaken the squeeze on living standards.

  3.What are the main causes of inflation?

  4.True or false:Cheaper sterling tends to raise the expense of imported goods.


  1.What is the September inflation figure used for?

  The September inflation figure is used to calculate the annual increase in state pensions.

  2.True or false:For people in work,faster price rises weaken the squeeze on living standards.

  False.According to the article,for people in work,faster price rises intensify the squeeze on living standards,as average pay is increasing more slowly.

  3.What are the main causes of inflation?

  The increasing inflation is largely due to the impact of food prices,computer games and the cost of transport.

  4.True or false:Cheaper sterling tends to raise the expense of imported goods.

  True.According to the article,cheaper sterling tends to raise the cost of imported goods.

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