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A Historical Thesaurus

2009-07-16 来源:BBC中国网

A Historical Thesaurus 巨型历代同义词词典
The new historical thesaurus and an image of what a thesaurus looks like inside
The new historical thesaurus, left, and what a thesaurus looks like inside


Background: Enormous, capacious, skelping 还有 vast – 这些词语仅仅是单词 large 在即将发行的,迄今最大的同义词词典里289个同意词语里的几个代表。Thesaurus 意思是同义词词典。The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary 里共有词语60万条历代词语,这些词语是按照日期和意思来分类的。经过40余年的整理编写后,这本巨型同义词词典即将问世。

Questions: 请在听下面录音的时候试着回答这些问题。这是一个用来帮助你提高听力技能的练习。

1. When will the thesaurus be published?

2. How old is Professor Kay?

3. Does Professor Kay think the book will be valuable to scholars of linguistics?

4. How many years' work was lost in the fire?

Historical Thesaurus to be Published 巨型历代同义词词典

It’s the world's first historical thesaurus, grouping words by meaning and by date. And it survived fire, lack of funds and the death of some of its founders.

Tomorrow the work will finally be unveiled to academics prior to its publication in October.

Professor Christian Kay of the University of Glasgow began work on the project as a 28-year-old research assistant. She's now 69 and thinks it will be invaluable to scholars not just of linguistics but of cultural and social history.

Professor Kay:

"You know, if you're interested in something like clothes, it's very interesting to see what people have been wearing for the last 1,300 years. So I was looking at a whole list of words to do with trousers and there were words that would never have occurred to you probably that these words meant trousers."

That's where a thesaurus beats a dictionary, she says. But it's much harder work to compile. In the early days they simply wrote the words on slips of paper and grouped them in different ways.

Professor Kay remembers the dreadful day when the building caught fire and they nearly lost ten years' work. Fortunately the slips were in metal filing cabinets and survived.

Now all that work, and all those words, can be shared with the world.

GLOSSARY 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)


1. When will the thesaurus be published?
It will be published in October.

2. How old is Professor Kay?
She is 69.

3. Does Professor Kay think the book will be valuable to scholars of linguistics?
Yes, she thinks it will be invaluable. Invaluable means 无价的.

4. How many years' work was lost in the fire?
They nearly lost ten years' work that day, but it survived because it was stored in metal filing cabinets.

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