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Queen Hester

2011-09-07 来源:BBC中国网

Composite image showing William Pitt, the modern city of Damascus, a Bedouin Arab and Lara Croft

William Pitt the Younger, the modern city of Damascus, a Bedouin Arab and a modern tomb-raider, Lara Croft.


也许你印象中的英国人都是循规蹈矩彬彬有礼。但英国历史上也不乏我行我素的奇特人物。BBC 最新推出的六集系列将为大家介绍六位古怪的英国人– English Eccentrics.

In this final edition of English Eccentrics, find out about an amazing woman who is remembered as a great traveller: Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope.

She was born in 1776 – a time when women were not expected to be independent or adventurous. Yet Lady Hester travelled to the East, went hunting for buried treasure and was even crowned Queen by Bedouin Arabs.

In this programme you will hear Lady Hester's own description of the Bedouin and also find out the meaning of the English phraseto be ahead of one's time.

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