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Fish and Chips

2011-07-13 来源:BBC中国网

Delicious Dishes: Fish and Chips 炸鱼和薯条

Race goers have fish and chips for lunch

Who can resist the great national dish?


Programme Introduction 节目简介

在《经典菜肴》系列节目中,我们将向各位介绍几个英国家常菜。您将听到有关它们的历史渊源和烹饪秘方。在本期节目中,让我们一起来“品尝”一下英国国菜 - Fish and Chips 炸鱼和薯条。

As the national dish of Britain, Fish and Chips have been enjoyed by people for generations. In this programme, we get the chance to hear about when it became a popular dish. We shall also hear tips from top chef James Martin as he prepares the dish on TV.

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