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Chinese Film Stars

2011-01-12 来源:BBC中国网

Who is the most famous Chinese film star in the UK? Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Zhang Ziyi or Gong Li?

Liang Limin


This week's question is about Chinese film stars. These are the actors and actresses who are known and loved for their appearances in films on the big and small screen.

The best-known ones are famous around the world. But which star is the most popular in the UK? The answer is subjective; it is a matter of opinion.

Most of the people we spoke to liked Bruce Lee because of his excellent acting and martial arts skills. But some of them thought that Jackie Chan was a great comic and an amazing stunt performer. Here are some of the other answers we heard. Do you agree with them?

Bruce Lee

Do you recognise this famous Chinese film star?

Chow Yun-Fat

Zhang Ziyi

Gong Li

Michelle Yeoh

Jet Li

Maggie Cheung

Lucy Liu

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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