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Swine Flu

2009-08-06 来源:BBC中国网

中、英文化差别在哪些方面呢? 生活方式有什么不同呢? 要想了解英国社会的更多方方面面, 请留目英国问答。
Swine Flu 猪流感

Two women wearing surgical masks
Some people are choosing to wear surgical masks to slow down the spread of swine flu

 People in China are very concerned with swine flu. How about people in Britain?
Michael, Tianjin

Swine flu has spread across the world since emerging in Mexico and is now officially the first flu pandemic for 40 years.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease, caused by a strain of the influenza type A virus known as H1N1.

There was a sharp increase of swine flu cases in the UK towards the end of July. So what are people’s attitudes towards this virus?

Yang Li and Neil Edgeller talked to people who have contracted swine flu recently, and also to those who haven’t, to hear their opinions.

Do you have a question about Britain?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk


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