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Britain's Got Talent

2009-07-09 来源:BBC中国网

中、英文化差别在哪些方面呢? 生活方式有什么不同呢? 要想了解英国社会的更多方方面面, 请留目英国问答。
Britain's Got Talent 《英国达人》
Paul Potts
Classical singer Paul Potts, winner of the first series of Britain's Got Talent

What kind of programme is Britain’s Got Talent? And what do British people think of Paul Potts?
Tyler, China

Britain's Got Talent is one of Britain's most popular shows. It is on every year and millions of people watch it.

But what kind of a show is it? Jean and Jo talk about the show's popularity and explain what happens in it.

There have been three series of the show so far but the winner of the first series was a classical singer called Paul Potts. He is now an international star but what do British people think of him? Find out more about him in this programme.

When you've listened to Jo's report, why not take our quiz to check your understanding?

Do you have a question about Britain?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk or


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