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2009-02-04 来源:BBC中国网

中、英文化差别在哪些方面呢? 生活方式有什么不同呢? 要想了解英国社会的更多方方面面, 请留目英国问答。
Basketball 篮球
A basketball player taking a shot
Basketball's getting more popular, but there's still a long way to go

I would like to know how popular basketball is in Britain?
Yanghong, Yunnan, China

Basketball has increased in popularity in China in recent years, partly due to the success of players like Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian in the NBA.

But while Britain doesn't have a strong tradition of playing basketball, could this be changing in the run up to the London 2012 Olympic Games?

In this week's Ask About Britain, Finn visits a professional basketball team in London to find out more, while Jean Dong reveals she's not a bad basketball player herself.

When you’ve listened to Finn’s report, why not take our quiz to check your understanding?

Do you have a question about Britain?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk or


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