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Family Day Out

2008-12-08 来源:BBC中国网

中、英文化差别在哪些方面呢? 生活方式有什么不同呢? 要想了解英国社会的更多方方面面, 请留目英国问答。
Family Day Out 家庭出游

Chris, Finn and Alexandra
The Conway family enjoyed a fabulous lunch in London's China Town

What are typical outings British families enjoy?
Cherry, China

When the weekend comes, everyone in the family is looking for fun ways to spend time together. Where would they like to go and how do people organise their day trips?

Helen met up with Chris and his family in central London for dimsum and spoke to everyone about their views on family trips and what's important to them.

Listen to the programme and then try the quiz to check your understanding.

Do you have a question about Britain?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk or


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