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British Athletes

2008-12-05 来源:BBC中国网

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British Athletes 英国运动员

Tom Daley
A rising star for Britain

 We all know that the Beijing Olympic Game is coming very soon and London is the next host city. Could you please introduce to us several famous athletes in UK?
Teresa, China

Britain sent a 549-member delegation to Beijing for the 2008 Olympics. There are 313 athletes who are are competing at the Beijing Games.

In Ask about Britain we are introducing two of the most famous British athletes Paula Radcliffe and Tom Daley.

While 34-year-old Paula Radcliffe was full of confidence when she talked to the BBC of running well and doing herself justice, 14-year-old young diver Tom Daley was very much hoping to gain some experience from Beijing for the 2012 London Game.

Join Yang Li and William Kremer for more discussion about these two British athletes in Ask About Britain.

Afterwards, try our quiz to check you have understood the programme.

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