http://en.jybest.cn 2013-08-02 大中小
In its review of the 30 countries surveyed, online reservation site Hotels.com found that Russians enjoy 40 days off throughout the year. The US gets 20 days off, while Canada is second to last on the list with an entitlement of just 15 days vacation time. At the other end of the spectrum, meanwhile, Mexicans get a paltry 13 days off。
Meanwhile, a slew of studies have shown that productivity actually increases in proportion to vacation time taken, serving to recharge employees’ batteries and re-enter the workplace with a renewed sense of purpose. It’s a concept that some companies have taken a step further in the US. Companies such as IBM and Netflix, for instance, have tossed the standard two-week vacation policy in the US and implemented an open, unlimited vacation program in an effort to prevent staff burnout in a country where employees get so little time off。
Here are the top 10 countries which enjoy the most time off (days off total includes both annual leave and public holidays):
1. Russia 40 days off
俄罗斯 40天
2. Italy 36
意大利 36天
2. Sweden 36
瑞典 36天
4. Finland 35
芬兰 35天
4. France 35
法国 35天
4. Norway 35
挪威 35天
4. Brazil 35
巴西 35天
8. Denmark 34
丹麦 34天
8. Spain 34
西班牙 34天
10. Colombia 33
哥伦比亚 33天
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