http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语网 2012-03-21 大中小
The World Sleep Day is an annual event organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM). It is aimed to celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep and to draw society attention to the burden of sleep problems and their medicine, education and social aspects; to promote sleep disorders prevention and management. Through the World Sleep Day the WASM tries to raise awareness of sleep disorders and their better understanding and preventability, and to reduce the burden of sleep problems on society that constitute a global epidemic and threaten health and quality of life for as much as 45% of the world's population.
为唤起全民对睡眠重要性的认识,2001年,国际精神卫生和神经科学基金会主办的全球睡眠和健康计划发起了一项全球性的活动,将每年初春的第一天—3月21日定为“世界睡眠日”。此项活动的重点在于引起人们对睡眠重要性和睡眠质量的关注。 2003年中国睡眠研究会把“世界睡眠日” 正式引入中国。
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