http://en.jybest.cn 新浪网 2010-01-19 大 中 小
Psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman claims that British men are some of the least romantic in the world following a study he conducted of 6,500 men and women all over the world。
He found that they are less likely to pay compliments,be inspired to write love poetry or take their loved ones away forsurprise holidays than their foreign counterparts, instead believingsexy lingerie and expensive gifts are the way to a woman's heart。
"Contrary to what many men believe, you do not have to spend largesums of money to woo a woman – it really is the thought that counts,"Prof Wiseman said。
“与许多人认为的相反,你不必花费大量的金钱来吸引女——. 重要的是真心实意”,怀斯曼教授说。
The following are the ten best ways to woo her:
1. Cover her eyes and lead her to a lovely surprise
1. 遮住她的双眼,并给他一个惊喜;
2. Whisk her away somewhere exciting for the weekend
2. 在周末,兴奋的带她飞奔去某一个地方;
3. Write a song or poem about her
3. 写一首关于她的歌或诗;
4. Tell her that she is the most wonderful woman you have ever met
4. 告诉她她是你见过的最美妙的女性;
5. Run her a relaxing bath after she has had a bad day at work
5. 当某一天她工作的很糟糕的时候,带她去完全放松的洗一个澡;
6. Send her a romantic text or email, or leave a loving note around the house
6. 给她发一份很浪漫的邮件,或者在她房子的周围留下一张充满爱意的字条;
7. Wake her up with breakfast in bed
7. 叫她起床吃早餐;
8. Offer her a coat when she is cold
8. 当她冷的时候,把外套给她;
9. Send her a bouquet of flowers, or a box of chocolates at work
9. 在她工作的时候,送她一束鲜花或者一盒巧克力;
10. Make her a compilation of her favourite music
10. 给她放她最喜欢的音乐。
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