http://en.jybest.cn 环球时报 2011-03-30 大 中 小
Too many extra curricular activities can harm children's prospects
Children who take part in more than 17 hours of extracurricular activities a week could be harming their educational prospects, a study has found.
Parents hoping to raise rounded offspring by enrolling children in ballet classes or piano lessons may be exposing them to increased stress, researchers have argued.
Instead of filling their children's free time with extracurricular pursuits, families have been urged to encourage an equal amount of "free play" as well.
Jennifer Fredricks, associate director of human development at Connecticut College found that the positive effects of one to 13 hours of weekly extracurricular activities were clear in children's exam performance.
But for students taking part in more than 17 hours of lessons, clubs and classes outside school, their grades and overall wellbeing notably dropped.
Her team monitored the activities of 10,000 15 and 16-year-old students across the US and found a seemingly optimum amount of extracurricular activities.
Pupils who took part in five activities a week scored an average of 56 percent in maths exams, higher than their classmates with fewer extracurricular engagements.
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