减肥不成功 只因“反应慢”
http://en.jybest.cn 环球时报 2010-08-04 大中小
People are fat because their brains are slow?
Some people find it more difficult to stay slim than others because their brains are slow at recognizing when they are full, a study claims.
The team at Yale University found that in rats some have nerve endings which are more sluggish at signaling when your stomach is full than others. This means that they overeat slightly at every meal and eventually this leads to obesity.
The findings add to the growing evidence that it is not always your diet that leads to being overweight but also your genetic inheritance and pre-birth development of the brain. It also explains why two people – or siblings – can consume the same high fat diet but one remains thin while the other puts on weight.
"It appears that this base wiring of the brain is a determinant of one's vulnerability to develop obesity," said Professor Tamas Horvath, a neurobiologist at Yale University. "These observations add to the argument that it is less about personal will that makes a difference in becoming obese, and, it is more related to the connections that emerge in our brain during development."
减肥不成功 只因“反应慢”
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