http://en.jybest.cn 沪江网 2010-03-02 大 中 小
十七岁的英国女孩Hannah从十四岁起接触毒品,三年来饱受毒瘾的折磨,终于写下了这封诀别信,宣告要开始新的生活。然而就在她决意戒毒的三个星期后, 死于吸毒过量。小编希望她的这封信能提醒大家,永远永远不要接触毒品,哪怕是一时好奇。
Dear Heroin,
I never want to touch you ever again. You've ruined my life, made me steal from my family, on probation'cause of you. Why I choose you I don't know。
You're the worst thing that ever came into my life. Yes, I did love you but now it's time to say goodbye。
I'm so ashamed of myself 'cause of you. You're a big risk to anyone that does it and to me。
So I'm going to be strong and stay away from you and never touch you again。
My family have supported me all the way but I just kick them up the backside taking advantage of them. Stole off my mother. I borrowed money off her and didn't give it back. She's getting old now, and look what you've made me do - £120 stolen off her。
I love my family from the bottom of my heart, it's not nice being called a junkie. It feels horrible, you feel so small. Well I feel small, you made me feel like I'm worth nothing, just a dirty junkie sticking needles in my arms。
You're out of my life now, don't need you no more. Yeah, you've messed up nearly two and a half years of my life but I've still got my whole life ahead of me and I'm going to prove to everyone that I can stay away from you, going to college, getting a job and a car。
Then get on with my life and get my family's trust back. Stop offending, that's the only reason I was doing all that 'cause of your dirty addiction. You make me sick to be honest with you。
I did love the buzz of you but you're not worth it。
But not anymore, I'll make sure you stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you。
I was brought up by a good family not a bad one, yeah I've had a lot of problems in my life, been quite bad actually, all because of you!!
You're a killer, you've killed a lot of people and really they are good people. I'm lucky that you haven't put me in a box cemetery。
Lost loads of my mates and it hurts me, they sometimes blank me 'cause they know I've been on you, it's not nice when I've got pin holes in my arms and marks, track marks。
The illness that I go through when I use you and the after effects are the worst that you've put me through。
Wanted to kill myself a few times 'cause I couldn't go through it. Well guess what heroin, I can and did do it. I can beat you anytime. I can control you, you don't control me。
I've got enough will power to get you out of my life for good. I'm strong and much stronger than you can ever be. I'm not losing anything over you。
Goodbye heroin. Never again. Family comes first。
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