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加拿大发现猪感染A/H1N1流感 疑为人传染猪

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-05-04  


World on alert after pigs found infected with H1N1 virus


  Governments around the world are on alert on Sunday after some 200 sickened pigs were found infected with the H1N1 flu virus in Canada.

  The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) said Saturday that it was highly probable the estimated 200 pigs caught the virus from a Canadian who had been exhibiting flu-like symptoms after returning from Mexico.

  The CFIA has put the swine herd under quarantine pending further testing needed to fully characterize the virus. It also noted that all of the pigs were recovering or had already recovered and that the chance those pigs could transfer the virus to a person is "remote."

  Late Saturday, Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova raised the confirmed national death toll from Influenza A/H1N1 to 19 and the number of sick to 454, adding that the epidemic in the country is "in a stabilization phase."

  "I believe we have enough elements to say that we are in a stabilization phase," Cordova said.

  Also on Saturday, Mexican President Felipe Calderon discussed the epidemic with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama in a telephone call.

  The two leaders "spoke for 20 minutes this afternoon to share information about each country's efforts to limit the spread of the 2009 H1N1 flu strain and the importance of close U.S.-Mexican cooperation," the White House said in a statement.

  Other confirmed infection cases worldwide include 197 in the U.S.; 85 in Canada; 15 in Spain; 15 in Britain; six in Germany; four in New Zealand; two each in Israel, France and South Korea; one each in Costa Rica, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, China's Hong Kong, Denmark and the Netherlands.

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