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墨西哥猪流感肆虐 已造成81人死亡

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-04-27  


Probable swine flu death toll reaches 81 in Mexico

相关链接:猪流感飞速扩散 美国已有20人感染


  An outbreak of swine flu in Mexico may have killed up to 81 people so far this month while more than 1,300 were suspected to be infected, Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova said late Saturday.

  Since April 13, "there have been 81 registered deaths which are probably linked to the virus, of which only 20 cases have virological checks," Cordova told a news conference after meeting with health officials from across the country.

  He said a total of 13 new cases were reported in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of patients with flu symptoms under investigation to 1,324.

  According to the World Health Organization, the virus from 12 of the Mexican patients is genetically the same as a new strain of swine flu, designated H1N1, a mixture of swine, human and avian flu viruses.

  Cordova also announced to extend the school closures in Mexico City, neighboring Mexico state and the northern state of San Luis Potosi with swine flu outbreaks, for more than 10 days till May 6.

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