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基地组织又现 伊拉克遭自杀袭击死伤近200

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-04-24  


Suicide bombings kill 76, top al-Qaida militant captured in Iraq


  Iraq was rocked by two suicide bombings which killed 76 people and wounded some 120 others on Thursday as the security forces announced the capture of a suspected top leader of al-Qaida in Iraq network.

  The most deadly attack occurred near the town of Maqdadiyah, some 100 km northeast of Baghdad, in the volatile province of Diyala, when a suicide bomber struck Iranian Shiite pilgrims inside a restaurant during lunch time.

  About 48 people were killed, during which 43 are Iranian pilgrims taking a rest in the restaurant after they crossed the border through the Mundhriyah border point in Diyala to visit the holy Shiite shrines in Iraq, a provincial police source said.

  Up to 70 others were wounded, 50 of them Iranians, the source said on condition of anonymity.

  The blast destroyed parts of the restaurant and badly damaged several civilian vehicles, he said.

  It is the single deadliest attack since December last year when a suicide bombing killed about 50 people in a restaurant near the northern city of Kirkuk.

  In Baghdad, a suicide bomber blew his explosive belt among a crowd of policemen distributing Iraqi Red Crescent food parcels to displaced families in Elwiyah area, part of Baghdad's central district of Karradah.

  The attack claimed the lives of some 28 Iraqis and wounded 50 others, the police said, adding that 12 policemen were among the killed and 10 others among the wounded.

  Shortly after the two suicide attacks, an Iraqi security spokesman said security troops captured Abu Omer al-Baghdadi, one of the most wanted top al-Qaida leaders.

  Baghdadi is believed to be heading the Islamic State of Iraq, a Qaida-led umbrella organization of extremist Sunni militants groups.

  "Abu Omer al-Baghdadi, head of what so-called the Islamic State of Iraq, has been captured in Baghdad," Qassim Atta, spokesman for the Baghdad security plan told reporters, adding that Baghdadi will be interrogated before putting on show on Iraqi television.

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