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http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-04-02  


Chinese, Russian presidents meet on bilateral ties, economic crisis


  Chinese President Hu Jintao said at a meeting with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev here Wednesday that China and Russia should strengthen cooperation to jointly overcome the current difficulties under the complicated and grave conditions of the world economy.

  The two countries need to strengthen communication and consultation, coordinate their stands within the G20 framework in particular, and push forward reforms of the international financial system, Hu said.

  The two sides can have in-depth communication and exchanges, through such channels as the bilateral sub-committee on financial cooperation and the dialogue between finance ministers, on maintaining stability of their economic and financial systems and financial markets, he said.

  He said the two sides should strengthen practical cooperation by implementing existing cooperation agreements and pushing forward the major joint projects in natural gas, nuclear energy and other fields.

  Hu expressed his appreciation for Russia's consistent support for China on issues concerning Tibet. Medvedev said Russia will, as always, stick to its position in this regard.

  "This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and it is also the 'Year of Russian Language' in China," Hu said.

  In general, Chinese-Russian ties got off to a good start this year and are gathering momentum for comprehensive and more rapid development, he said.

  "In today's complex and volatile world when the international financial crisis continues to spread and go deeper, strengthening the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership takes on particular urgency and importance," he said.

  The Chinese president proposed that both sides work to ensure the success of high-level exchanges this year and the implementation of the existing deals.

  The two countries should also try to sign the inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in the oil sector at an early date, boost technological and military cooperation and strengthen coordination in dealing with the international financial crisis, he said.

  The Chinese president called for efforts to make events marking the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties and the Year of Russian Language in China a big success.

  China and Russia should also strengthen mutual support and strategic cooperation in international affairs, he said.

  Medvedev agreed with Hu's evaluation of bilateral relations and said Russia is looking forward to Hu's state visit to the country in June.

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