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http://en.jybest.cn    金宝搏188入口   2012-07-04  


  中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

  Toast at Welcoming Dinner Hosted by
  The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  by President Hu Jintao
  Of the People's Republic of China
  30 June 2012
Fellow Compatriots,
Dear Friends,
  Tonight, the Victoria Harbor is brilliantly lit up and filled with a festive atmosphere. It gives me great pleasure to join you on such a joyful occasion to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the embrace of the motherland. On behalf of the Central Government and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, I wish to extend sincere greetings and best wishes to you and, through you, to all the people of Hong Kong.
  This is my third visit to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR). Every time I come, I get a fresh impression of the city's strong dynamism and unique charm. Under the guidance of the principle of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong has enjoyed steady economic growth, rising living standards, orderly progress in democracy, and social harmony and stability. It has maintained its status as an international financial, trade and shipping center. It has developed closer links with the mainland and broader contacts with the world. What has happened shows that "one country, two systems" is the right policy for Hong Kong and it is a policy full of vitality. It also shows that Hong Kong compatriots have the wisdom and capability to manage, build and develop Hong Kong well.
  Hong Kong has experienced many trials and tribulations over the past 15 years, and its achievements have not come easily. The two chief executives, Mr. Tung Chee-hwa and Mr. Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, have led the SAR government in carrying out administration according to law, performing duties with dedication, countering challenges head-on and seeking new progress through pioneering efforts, making important contribution to Hong Kong and to the country as a whole.
  Hong Kong is a place where miracles happen. Over the past century and more, Hong Kong has grown from a remote fishing village to a world-renowned metropolis. Behind its success is the spiritual strength that Hong Kong compatriots have forged over the years: the spirit of striving hard relentlessly, the spirit of standing together in the face of difficulties and the spirit of making innovation and adapting to changes in a flexible way. Looking ahead, Hong Kong faces both favorable development opportunities and many daunting challenges. The continued success of Hong Kong in increasingly fierce international and regional competition requires the Hong Kong people to carry forward this same spirit.
  First, carry forward the spirit of striving hard relentlessly. Hong Kong compatriots should have a keener sense that they are the masters of Hong Kong and should take up the due responsibility of managing, building and developing Hong Kong. They should remain daring and enterprising no matter what difficulties may come their way. They should work hard with tenacity and confidence and use their wisdom and diligence to build better lives, thus writing a new chapter of working together for Hong Kong under the Lion Rock.
  Second, carry forward the spirit of standing together in the face of difficulties. Hong Kong compatriots should always put the overall interests of the country and Hong Kong first, love their common home and work in unity to tackle challenges. There should be more cooperation, consultation and inclusiveness. There should be greater care and support for the grass roots, the poor and the vulnerable, so that all the people will benefit from a harmonious society.
  Third, carry forward the spirit of making innovation and adapting to changes in a flexible way. Hong Kong should follow closely the changes in the external environment, go along with the trend of economic globalization and the global adjustment of industrial structure, seize opportunities and respond accordingly. Based in Hong Kong, supported by the motherland and following a global approach, Hong Kong compatriots should make good use of the two markets and resources of both the mainland and the world, work hard to maintain and strengthen Hong Kong's existing advantages, foster new areas of economic growth and enhance the capacity to overcome risks. By making bold exploration and innovation, the people of Hong Kong will inject new vigor and vitality into the various undertakings in Hong Kong.
  Fellow Compatriots,
  Dear Friends,
  With the strong support of the Central Government, the firm backing of the mainland and the good foundation that has been built over the past 15 years, Mr. Leung Chun-ying, the new chief executive, and the new SAR government will unite all sectors of society and lead them in a vigorous and concerted effort to turn Hong Kong into an international metropolis with economic prosperity, political structural democracy, social harmony, beautiful environment, happy life for the people, closer links with the mainland and more extensive connections with the world.
  Now, please join me in a toast,、
  To the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong,
  To the growing prosperity and strength of the motherland, and
  To the health, happiness and success of all the friends present.

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