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http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-03-13  


Bush shoe-thrower gets three years in prison


  An Iraqi court sentenced on Thursday an Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former U.S. President George W. Bush to three years in prison.

  Defiant Muntadhar al-Zaidi, 30, had pleaded not guilty at the courtroom of the Iraqi Central Criminal Court.

  Judge Abdul Amir Hassan al-Rubaie asked Zaidi during Thursday's session "are you innocent?"

  Zaidi immediately answered, "Yes, your honor, my reaction was natural, just like any Iraqi would have done."

  Reporters and Zaidi's family members and relatives were then ordered to leave the courtroom for the verdict which sent Zaidi to three years in prison for assaulting visiting foreign leader.

  "The sentence for Zaidi is harsh, and we as Zaidi's defense team will contest the sentence in the appeals court," Dhiyaa al-Saadi, head of Zaidi's 25-lawyer defense team, told reporters.

  Zaidi's lawyers have 30 days from the date of issuing the verdict to submit their demand to revise the verdict in the appeals court, according to the Iraqi law.

  Some of Zaidi's family members and relatives angrily denounced the ruling against Zaidi, shouting "down with Bush" and "long live Iraq."

  Zaidi's brother Dhirgham said with tears in his eyes that the "trial was politically motivated and its verdict was already decided."

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