http://en.jybest.cn 新东方 刘丰祎(译) 2009-03-12 大 中 小
Do People Only Use 10 Percent Of Their Brains?
What's the matter with only exploiting a portion of our gray matter?
The human brain is complex. Along with performing millions of mundane acts, it composes concertos, issues manifestos and comes up with elegant solutions to equations. It's the wellspring of all human feelings, behaviors, experiences as well as the repository of memory and self-awareness. So it's no surprise that the brain remains a mystery unto itself.
Adding to that mystery is the contention that humans "only" employ 10 percent of their brain. If only regular folk could tap that other 90 percent, they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty-thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers.
除了大脑本身就是个谜之外,还有一种论断称人类“仅仅”只利用了大脑的10%。如果普通人只要能开发大脑另外的90%, 那么他们也能变成记住π小数点后2000位的专家,甚至或者他们可能具有心灵遥感的能力。
Though an alluring idea, the "10 percent myth" is so wrong it is almost laughable, says neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. Although there's no definitive culprit to pin the blame on for starting this legend, the notion has been linked to the American psychologist and author William James, who argued in The Energies of Men that "We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources." It's also been associated with to Albert Einstein, who supposedly used it to explain his cosmic towering intellect.
来自巴尔的摩约翰·霍普金斯医学院(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine)的神经专家Barry Gordon说,虽然人们只使用大脑10%的潜能的提法非常诱人,但是这个“10% 谜”非常错,简直就是可笑。虽然对这个提法找不到确定的“元凶”,但是人们把这个提法与美国的心理学家兼作者William James联系起来,William James在他的著作《人的能量》(The Energies of Men)称“我们仅仅只利用了我们潜在的心理和体力资源的一小部分。”这个提法也和阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦有关(Albert Einstein),据说他曾用这个说法来解释他超常的智力。
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