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美国亚拉巴马州发生枪击案 至少十人死亡

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-03-12  


Ten killed in shooting spree in U.S.

  As many as 10 people, including the alleged gunman, were killed in a shooting spree in the southeastern U.S. state of Alabama on Tuesday, officials said.

  Mayor Wynn Tonmelton of Geneva, southern Alabama, where the gunman was killed, told local media that eight people died Tuesday afternoon in neighboring Samson, where the shooting started, and one was killed between Samson and Geneva.

  The gunman died in a parking lot in Geneva after a shootout with police.

  But it wasn't immediately clear whether he shot himself or was shot by someone else.

  The Federal Bureau of Investigation has sent an agent to assist local police.

  No other details were immediately available.

  The two towns of Geneva and Samson are near the Alabama border with the Florida panhandle.

  Alabama State Senator Harri Anne Smith said she was informed during a briefing with the Alabama Department of Public Safety that the casualties totaled 10, including the shooter.

  The shooting began in Samson and included at least one victim at a gas station.

  At least five other victims were killed in a home in the same town.

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