http://en.jybest.cn 新东方 刘丰祎(译) 2009-03-06 大中小
We Like a Winning Face
We like to think we’re pretty sophisticated when it comes to voting for politicians. Oh, sure, we’ve all heard that the taller guy usually wins. But we’re being smart—we consider their policies and positions.
Or maybe not. Researchers at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland say our decisions are often based on appearance—and that we’re no different from children. The finding appears in the February 27 issue of the journal Science.
Scientists took photos of the winner and the runner -up from a 2002 election in France. They showed the two photos to people in Switzerland who hadn’t heard of either candidate. They asked—who do you think would be the most competent?
Well, most study participants chose the actual winner. Then it was time for the kids. More than 600 children played a game involving a computer-simulated boat trip. They were asked which person they’d prefer to captain the ship. And most of the kids also chose the actual election winner.
Study authors say they don’t know which specific facial cues kids and grown-ups are using to make their decisions. Voting is one of democracy’s most important civic duties. But for a lot of voters, it looks like it’s about liking looks.
或者我们根本不理会他们的政策和立场。瑞士洛桑大学(University of Lausanne)的研究者们说我们的决定通常基于我们所看到的选举对象的外表——这和孩子们以外表下结论没有什么区别。这项研究结果发表在2月27日的《科学》(Science)杂志上。
科学家们把2002年法国选举的赢家和“输家”进行了拍照(译者注:虽然这里用的是第二名“runner up”,实际上在大选中只有一个赢家)。他们把这两张照片显示给在瑞士的人们,这些人从没有听说过这些候选人。科学家们问:你认为谁更胜任?
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