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http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2009-03-04  


7 people shot dead, 6 Sri Lankan cricket players injured in Pakistan

  The police have arrested four suspects in the Model Town of Lahore, capital city of eastern Punjab province after a terrorist attack on Tuesday, private TV channel DAWN NEWS reported.

  Seven persons including five policemen were shot dead by unidentified men in Lahore on Tuesday.

  The gunmen fired at a police vehicle which was escorting the Sri Lankan cricket team near the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, the capital city of Punjab, said the report.

  The Sri Lankan team was scheduled to begin their third-day play with the Pakistani team in their second Test Match when the attack occurred.

  The attackers also opened fire at the bus carrying Sri Lankan players. As a result, six players were injured and two of them received bullet injuries.

  The Capital City Police Officer of Lahore Haji Habibur Rehman confirmed that one player was shot in the chest and one in the leg.

  The injured were shifted to hospital for treatment.

  Haji Habibur Rehman said up to 12 terrorists were confirmed in the area and the firing started at 9 a.m. (0300 GMT).

  Police said the firing incident was unrelated to the Sri Lankan team.

  The area around the stadium has been cordoned off after the firing incident.

  Haji Habibur Rehman said the encounter between policemen and terrorists continued for 30 minutes.

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