http://en.jybest.cn 环球时报 2010-03-08 大 中 小
The humanization of animals is a constant call by Spanish animal protection organizations and societies。
But their excessive love sometimes leads to misfortune。
According to a report Wednesday by Diario de Madrid newspaper, expensive clothes for pet dogs were soon snapped up at a World Expo of Dogs' fashion show February 26 in Madrid。
Hats and shoes were even admired。
The report said that at the expo a designer put a leotard on a British dog model to promote his design that shows the dog model's gesture and stature。
However, the dog model suffocated to death in two minutes after it stepped onto the show stage。
It died possibly from the rush, the wrong size, or the tight ties tied by its host。
Audience members were shocked at the incident. Its host deeply lamented。
Thousands of orders for such type of pet dogs' fashion dress have reportedly been made。
据《马德里日报》报道, 在马德里举行的一个国际狗时装博览会上,昂贵的狗衣狗裤被人抢购,有公司推出的狗帽狗鞋更受热捧。
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