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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2009-02-27  


Recession harms fertility

Men's testosterone levels could be harmed by stress caused by the global economic downturn, according to a British doctor.

  Men's testosterone levels could be harmed by stress caused by the global economic downturn, according to a British doctor.

  Chronic stress caused by redundancy, financial worries or working longer hours could make levels of the hormone drop, says Richard Petty, the medical director of a top London men's health clinic.

  Testosterone, the hormone produced by the testicles, triggers the development of male sexual characteristics. It is linked to sexual function, circulation and muscle mass, as well as concentration, mood and memory.

  "When a man becomes grumpy or irritable, it's easy to blame work or simply the effects of aging," says Petty.

  "In the short-term, stress can increase levels of testosterone and this is useful in helping people respond quickly to pressures and new situations.

  "But chronic stress, which is ongoing, is a major factor in the decline of testosterone.

  "Chronic stress occurs all too frequently due to our modern lifestyles, when everything from high-pressured jobs to unemployment keeps the body in a state of perceived threat."

  Petty advises men to reduce their stress levels as much as possible by resting, eating healthily and exercising.



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