中国科学家绘出世界首张大熊猫基因组序列图谱 新华网 2008-10-13 大 中 小
Scientists complete sequencing giant panda genome
Chinese scientists have completed sequencing the genome of giant pandas. The announcement was made here Saturday.
They hope the new information will give them a better biological understanding of why pandas eat bamboo, have black circles around their eyes and produce few offspring.
"By sequencing the giant panda genome we've laid the genetic and biological foundation for us to gain a deeper understanding of the peculiar species," said Dr. Wang Jun, a scientist with the Beijing Genomics Institute's Shenzhen branch (BGI Shenzhen), a core participant in the project.
So far, scientists learned, through drawing and assembling the genome sequence, that giant pandas are akin to dogs and human beings but are very different from mice.
They also discovered more supporting evidence that giant pandas might be a subspecies of black bears.
Giant pandas, known for being sexually inactive, are among the world's most endangered animals due to a shrinking habitat. It's one reason why scientists decided to sequence its genome.
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