美国经济低迷 小偷热衷超市
http://en.jybest.cn 新东方 庄子 2008-12-26 大中小
Shoplifting has worsened as the economy has faltered, with U.S. arrests increasing 10 to 20 percent this year over last, retail security experts say.
The actual amount of shoplifting is probably higher than the numbers indicate since many who are caught are banned from stores rather than arrested, The New York Times (NYSE:NYT) reported Tuesday.
Merchants told the newspaper that shoplifters are taking everything from compact discs and baby formula to gift cards and designer clothing. First-time offenders are making up a large portion of the increase, making rash decisions in a pinch, but easier disposal of stolen goods over the Internet has also spurred thefts, police say.
"More people are desperate economically, retailers are operating with leaner staffs and police forces are cutting back or being told to deprioritize shoplifting calls," Paul Jones, the vice president of asset protection for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, told the Times.
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